When we think of the creation of new products or trends that producers seem to create from thin air, we have to take a second and wonder, who thought of this brilliant idea? But did we ever stop to think that maybe we are the brilliant ones, and the producers themselves are actually just watching from the side to see what we can come up with. Then maybe they pick up on a trend that they could potentially market as their own. Well, Twitter is a software that did just that.
Twitter began about two years ago. It was created to simply allow the public to post 140 characters, essentially, about what they were doing, thinking, or wanted everyone to know at that time. Since then Twitter has reached a brand new height and, has potentially made the lives of the people creating products for us (the public), much easier. Now, instead of picturing the designers and producers in a board room meeting in a suit and tie, sitting in fancy chairs that twirl around ... start to picture them all at home in their pajamas sitting on Twitter.
Because of the Twitter software producers can now see which ideas catch on through twitter updates/thoughts. Through the 'twitter chatter' they can start to turn these ideas into features available for the public to use. In the New York Times article they discuss all the new features that Twitter is making readily available for their users to start using. By doing this, they will be making the world of tweets have many more options for all of its tweeters! Some of the new features include: your very own Twitter search engine, the @ symbol section, marking conversation about a certain topic with the # symbol, Lists, and Follow Friday. These are all features that make perfect since in the world of Twitter.
Isn't it odd to think about what we could potentially come up with if we just payed attention to our own trends! Ah ... maybe one day we could sit at our desk at home, making millions in our pajamas, realizing we were the "brilliant" ones all along!
I don't use twitter but this is neat!